¡Tómate una selfie con tu nueva
Credencial para Votar desde el extranjero!
(Take a selfie with your new INE voter ID!)
Show us that you’ve received your INE voter ID, following these suggestions:
Go to a traditional place in your city, a monument or a well-known landscape, and take a selfie.
Keep your personal data safe, avoid misuse of it by covering your name or/and address with your hand or finger, or apply a blur filter over that part of the image.
Send it to inetelmx@ine.mx or publish it in our social networks: twitter.com/inetelmx, facebook.com/inetelmx under the tag #CredencialEnElExtranjero or #selfieINEvoterID
Share with us your reasons to request it, and what it means in your life.
Even if you are far away, your participation is very important.